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Trio Vitruvi

Trio Vitruvi has played together since the summer of 2013, where they attracted great attention at their debut at Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ‘Junge Elite’ 2013, Germany. The trio won both First Prize and the Audience Prize at the Danish National Radio’s P2 Chamber Music Competition, 2014. Shortly after, the trio won yet another First Prize in Latvia at the Jurmala International Music Competition. Since then, Trio Vitruvi has performed all over Europe, Russia and China. They have performed in concert halls such as Carnegie Hall, Wigmore Hall, The Mariinsky Theatre, Salle Cortot, Laeiszhalle, Schloss Grafenegg, and in 2015 together with Adam Fischer & The Danish Chamber Orchestra, Trio Vitruvi performed Beethoven’s Triple Concerto. In April 2018 Trio Vitruvi released their debut CD recording of Schubert’s Trio, Op. 100 and Nocturne, D. 897 on Orchid Classics. The record was presented at Trio Vitruvi's debut concert in Carnegie Hall, on the 17th of April 2018.


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