Grieg in Bergen
Grieg in Bergen origins back to the mid 1990ties where at that time the founder, violinist Michael Süsmann, frequently used to play for visiting groups at Lysøen island, the home of famous Ole Bull, which today is a part of KODE museums. Once a year, Süssmann also organized a midsummer late night concert same place, which became very popular and was alway sold out. One day Süssmann asked Berit Høgheim, at that time the superintendant at Ole Bull`s home: why is there no regular public concerts at this fabulous place? She looked back and said, well…you could start some if you want. And that was exactly what Michel Süssmann did. Through the foundation MusicaNord, which he established in 1993, for 5 years the home of Ole Bull became an event for summer concerts . In 1997 however, Süssman´s attention was drawn to Bergen city where MusicaNord started a high intensity concert event with 70 concerts every summer, which in fact became the start of Grieg in Bergen.
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